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Stainless steel our passion & competence

Stainless steel our passion & competence

Surface treatment

General rules for surface cleaning

  • Always wipe in the direction of the finish, not transversely.
    Work in overlapping strokes from top to bottom.
  • Do not use scouring pads or hard objects to remove stubborn dirt.
  • Do not use chlorinated cleaners, bleach or strong acids (for example, limescale remover).
  • Rinse detergent with plenty of fresh water. Wipe dry if possible.
  • Always use fresh water from the tap or the water pipes for cleaning.
    In no case should water from swimming pools or used water from collecting pots be used.


  • Strong ferritic flying spark burns which have deeply penetrated the surface must be removed mechanically or abraded.
  • If the penetration of ferritic particles or scale is fine and superficial a pickling agent can be used to refinish.
  • Rust bloom, extensive light brown stains, such as occur when diluted reducing acids (hydrochloric acid / sulfuric acid)are wrongly used on the surface and cannot be rinsed off immediately or thoroughly. In such cases one should attempt cleaning with an oxidizing acid (nitric acid/phosphoric acid) first.
  • For oils, greases, organic dirt,please use alcohol to clean, for example, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, or solvents such as acetone. Special biological cleaners are possible!
  • For limescale, chalky deposits, cement and mortar splashes use cleansing milk products with calcium carbonate additives. For larger impurities a 10-15% phosphoric acid solution is recommended. A diluted vinegar solution in the ratio 1:3 with tap water can be used. Do not use scouring powder!
  • Graffiti and other paints, please remove with special alkaline or solvent-based cleaners. Do not use hard scrapers or knives!
  • Strongly neglected surfaces, dulled surfaces,require polishing pastes as also used for chrome parts on vehicles to bring the shine back.


* not for inherent material defects

Recommended cleaning utensils

  • Damp cloth or leather
  • For stubborn dirt: nylon sponges (but not on bright annealed or polished surfaces)
  • Soft nylon brushes
  • High-pressure cleaner (caution is advised because of sheet thickness which must not bulge due to high water jet pressure and for sharp dirt with respect to the danger of scratches!)
  • Demineralized water to prevent limescale rims during rinsing.


Following cleaners should not be used:

  • Chlorine/hydrochloric acid-containing cleaners
  • hypochlorite bleaches and disinfectants (Javel water)
  • silver polish

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