Congratulations on passing the final exam!
We congratulate our newly qualified construction mechanics Christian Reichenbach and Florian Schortemeyer show more
We congratulate our newly qualified construction mechanics Christian Reichenbach and Florian Schortemeyer show more
Career exploration day of the eighth grade of the Regenbogen Comprehensive School in Spenge show more
The brand new electropolishing system from MODERSOHN® Stainless steel makes it possible. show more
Congratulations and a thank you to Holger Rabe show more
Congratulations and a thank you to our production manager Klaus Greulich show more
Summer-feeling: the spring-like convertible weather of the last few days was perfect for enjoying the sun with the roof open. show more
Spenge. Wilhelm Modersohn GmbH & Co. KG, manufacturer of Stainless steel Fastening elements, is currently optimising its customer service in the area… show more
We are pleased to announce another successful graduation at MODERSOHN: Congratulations to our new B. Eng. Peter Cytrycki. show more
Wilhelm Modersohn GmbH & Co. KG was awarded as one of the 1000 top employers in the medium-sized business sector! show more