Spenge. Wilhelm Modersohn GmbH & Co. KG draws a positive balance for the crisis year 2020. Despite the Corona pandemic, the manufacturer of Stainless steel Fastening elements was able to generate a 5 percent increase in turnover with a total result of just under € 18.9 million. The company's profit also increased significantly in 2020 compared to the previous year.
"We could have achieved a much higher turnover. Unfortunately, there were more and more supply and capacity bottlenecks last year with some of our input material suppliers and also on the construction sites," reports Wilhelm Modersohn, shareholder and owner of the Stainless steel processing company. He attributes this to the unfortunate circumstances brought about by the pandemic.
With the profit, the management plans to go on a product and service offensive in the coming months. By adding and reforming the sales departments for industrial components and online trading, further important sales markets and channels will be entered by the company. In addition to the usual project processing, the introduction of a separate production line, the so-called "K-line", which can provide simple sheet metal constructions within 48 hours within the framework of Industry 4.0 production by means of digital networking, also opens up additional customer service.
According to W. Modersohn, the year 2021 is all about delivery speed and quality control. In order to achieve the set goals, MODERSOHN is also investing this year in new and more efficient production equipment, such as Laser cutting systems and press brakes. The latest laser and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopes for material determination and analysis, on the other hand, are intended to make quality management at MODERSOHN even more closely meshed as further testing instances. In this way, the company intends to continue to offer the best delivery and quality guarantees for 2021 and in the future.
About the company
Wilhelm Modersohn GmbH & Co. KG is primarily known in the field of Stainless steel processing and the manufacture of Fastening elements for producing series and custom-made products from high-alloy and special stainless steels. For years, the company has relied on duplex steels, especially the so-called "Lean Duplex" steels (1.4062, 1.4162, 1.4362), whose market introduction in the German construction industry has been personally championed by Managing Director W. Modersohn since 2002.