Project request

Stainless steel our passion & competence

Stainless steel our passion & competence

Support anchors for masonry

The term load bearing anchor is to be considered in combination with the term support anchor.
A load-bearing anchor is a fastening which absorbs the complete dead load of the component and a certain part of the additional forces acting from outside, such as traffic weights, wind or snow loads. It therefore mainly takes care of the vertically acting forces.
A retaining anchor, on the other hand, should only absorb its own weight and certain parts of the additional forces acting from the outside, e.g. to secure against tipping over when a precast concrete slab stands vertically on a foundation. It therefore essentially takes care of the horizontally acting forces. Both anchor types are often used together to fix a building component.

Modersohn manufactures support anchors for masonry in the form of brackets (masonry brackets) or also called support brackets.
Typical support anchors are e.g. tooth support anchors, air-layer wire anchors or scaffolding anchor support anchors.
