Project request

Stainless steel our passion & competence

Stainless steel our passion & competence

Phaeno, Wolfsburg

  • Type of building: Museum
  • Location: Wolfsburg, Germany
  • Completion: 2005
  • Products: Panel hanger, restraint anchors
Photo: reference picture Phaeno at Wolfsburg
Photo: reference picture Phaeno at Wolfsburg
Photo: reference picture Phaeno at Wolfsburg

Project description

The phaeno Science Centre in Wolfsburg is one of the most advanced buildings in contemporary history. The futuristic building captivates above all with its shapely elegance and cleverly inserted glass elements, which give the unusual concrete façade a sleek appearance. With the help of state-of-the-art special building materials, such as self-compacting concrete and specially developed glass facades, the so-called experimental landscape of technology and natural science was finally opened in 2005. The phaeno Science Center in Wolfsburg was designed by star architect Zaha Hadid.

MODERSOHN supplied the appropriate suspension anchors and compression-tension anchors with accessories to secure the precast concrete facade.

Photo: Panel hanger FB-H

Panel hanger FB-H

Photo: Restraint anchor FB-DZA

Restraint anchor FB-DZA