Project request

Stainless steel our passion & competence

Stainless steel our passion & competence

Blauer Turm, Bad Wimpfen

  • Type of building: Historic city tower
  • Location: Bad Wimpfen, Deutschland
  • Completion: Juli 2022
  • Products: Special joining constructions made of duplex steel 1.4462, anchor rods
Photo: Blauer Turm, Bad Wimpfen
Photo: Blauer Turm, Bad Wimpfen
Photo: Blauer Turm, Bad Wimpfen
Project description

The Blue Tower is the landmark of the spa town of Bad Wimpfen, a medieval Staufer palace located on the Neckar River. 
The renovation work began in November 2017 and was originally scheduled for completion in the summer of 2021.
In the process, the tower was to be stabilised again by means of Anchor rods and mortar injections into the masonry.
The latter were used to close cavities in the masonry.
However, it turned out that the drilling and injections were more time-consuming than expected.
In addition, the cavities were not reached in some areas, as trial drillings showed.

Modersohn then developed special Welded constructions
These are complex tie rod heads that were welded together from seven different components.

Special challenges

A mandatory requirement for the realisation of this project was the proof that the primary material for each individual component has a tensile strength of at least 690 N/mm2.
MODERSOHN obtained the necessary factory certificates and was able to start with the implementation.


The material used for the tie rod heads was the corrosion-resistant duplex steel 1.4462.
It is characterised by its high strength and yield strength, which was a prerequisite for its use in this project.

Blauer Turm Bad Wimpfen, tie rod head

Blauer Turm Bad Wimpfen, tie rod head

Blauer Turm Bad Wimpfen, threaded rods

Threaded rods

Photo: Blauer Turm, Bad Wimpfen - Sketch

Sketch of the area to be restored